Anabolic steroids, a fact check of all the claims !
Anabolic steroids are technically called anabolic androgenic steroids are just a type of artificial testosterones. These supplements are used to replace or add bodies, natural level of testosterones. This hormone is typically associated with male human body. An average healthy male has about 300 to 1000 ng/do of testosterones in body. This hormone is basically known for male sexual characters. • Use of anabolic steroids Anabolic steroids are not so harmful when they are used appropriately with proper dosage. The use of anabolic steroids depends on variety of health and athletic purposes. Athletes use anabolic steroids for growing muscle mass, gaining muscle strength, increasing bone density, increasing red blood cell production and etc. Steroids are mostly associated with athletes that need more strength, such as bodybuilders and weight lifters. Because of its potential for strength and muscle growth and improve in athletic performance. Let’s just drawn is known for increasing the inte...