
Showing posts from October, 2020

Anabolic steroids, a fact check of all the claims !

Anabolic steroids are technically called anabolic androgenic steroids are just a type of artificial testosterones. These supplements are used to replace or add bodies, natural level of testosterones. This hormone is typically associated with male human body. An average healthy male has about 300 to 1000 ng/do of testosterones in body. This hormone is basically known for male sexual characters. • Use of anabolic steroids Anabolic steroids are not so harmful when they are used appropriately with proper dosage. The use of anabolic steroids depends on variety of health and athletic purposes. Athletes use anabolic steroids for growing muscle mass, gaining muscle strength, increasing bone density, increasing red blood cell production and etc. Steroids are mostly associated with athletes that need more strength, such as bodybuilders and weight lifters. Because of its potential for strength and muscle growth and improve in athletic performance. Let’s just drawn is known for increasing the inte...

5 scientifically proven, evidence based health benefits of using dark chocolate.

Dark chocolates are just loaded with many nutrients and can provide positive effects to your health. Basically, dark chocolates are produced from the seeds of cocoa tree and it is the best source of antioxidants present on the planet. Studies show that original dark chocolate can improve health and lowering down certain heart risks. So here we are coming up with the five most beneficial health benefits of using dark chocolate. • Rich source of antioxidants The antioxidant capacity of foods are measured in oxygen radical absorbance capacity. It worth mentioning that raw, unprocessed cocoa beans are the highest scoring foods for antioxidant capacity. Dark chocolate originated from cocoa beans is just loaded with organic compounds that are biologically active and function as antioxidants. • Helps in reducing LDL cholesterol levels It is scientifically proven that dark chocolate can improve several heart health aspects. During a study, it was found that cocoa powder significantly decreases...

5 most impressive health benefits of using spirulina

In recent years, spirulina is one of that supplements that has gained popularity to a good extent. Experts claim that it is loaded with various nutrients and antioxidants that have several health benefits over body and brain. Basically, spirulina is an Organism that grows both in fresh and saltwater. It comes under the category of cyanobacteria which belongs to the family of single celled microorganisms and often referred to as blue green algae commonly. Spirulina and its supplements became popular when NASA proposed that it can be grown in space for use of astronauts. Although standard daily dosage of spirulina is 1-3 grams. But studies claim that dose upto 10 gram is also beneficial. So here we are coming up with the five most impressive and evidence based health benefits of spirulina. 1. Can control LDL and triglyceride levels One of the most common leading reason of death worldwide is any heart disease. Spirulina helps in preventing heart diseases as it positively impacts on LDL an...

Millets, know about its benefits and nutritional facts !

Millets are cereal grains that belongs to a grass family known as Poaceae . Just because of its wide range of health benefits, it is used in many developing countries throughout African and Asian continent. Although it looks like a small seed, but it has a vast reserves of various important nutrients. One of the main reasons of gaining popularity in Western countries is, it’s gluten free and provide high quality protein and fibre. Millets are considered as one of the ancient grains that are used for human and livestock consumption. This grain shows multiple advantages over other crops. Some of them are pest resistant and can survive in barren soil too. Millets also have several sub varieties and mainly divided into 2 parts, major millets and minor millets. Pearl Millet is one of the most common and widely used variety for human consumption. So let’s come up with some of the impressive health benefits millets may have. • Have good antioxidant capacity Ferulic acid and catechins are the ...

5 most impressive health benefits of using pumpkin seeds

Although pumpkin seeds look small but they are a big storehouse of valuable nutrients. Eating just handful of pumpkin seeds can provide you with a subsequent amount of healthy fats, magnesium and zinc. Pumpkin seeds have many health benefits, some of them are improved heart health, prostate health and protection against certain type of cancers. Another benefit of pumpkin seeds are they are easily available and can easily be indulged in your diet. Unlike white seeds of pumpkin, most of the commercially available pumpkin seeds have green outer shell on them. There is an estimation that about 28 grams of shell free pumpkin seeds contain 51 calories approximately. Further, these 51 calories are divided into 1.7 grams of fibre, 5 grams of carbohydrate, 7 grams of protein in 13 grams of healthy fat. Other micronutrients include vitamin K, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron and copper. So here we are coming up with the five most impressive health benefits of using pumpkin seeds. • O...

White bread vs whole wheat bread. Just know which one is better for your health !

Recently, researchers discovered some of the facts, one of which are different people’s body react differently to same foods. This can be a breakthrough in understanding the dieting methods. Researches on breads are going since decades and reveal that they are healthy. Till now there are uncertainties in effects of different types of breads. However, some of the researchers and experts came to a conclusion that there is no clinical difference between white bread or whole wheat bread. This conclusion was drawn after performing a crossover study of 20 adults. Half of them were given white breads in their diets, and another half were given whole wheat breads. Both the groups show similar effects after a fixed period of time. • Is there really a difference between white bread and whole wheat bread? It will be surprising, but experts and researchers found no difference between the effects or side effects of two breads. They just combined an analyse the data on the mentioned two bread types....

5 easy ways to lose your water weight

Science and scientists claim that human body contains about 60% of water. So this means water plays a key role in all aspects of human body. Then also many people are always worried about their water weight. This thing especially applies to health enthusiasts, professional athletes and bodybuilders. Who have to maintain or meet a weight category to improve their appearance. Excess water retention in scientific words, also called Edema is a different issue. We will not talk about this. So here we are coming up with five healthy and safe effective ways to lower down your water weight. • Have a more sound sleep Research in human trials revealed that Is that much important for health as diets and exercise. Sleep is a key aspect that affects sympathetic renal nerves in kidneys. They are responsible for regulating sodium and water balance. Adequate and long sleep may help your body to control its hydration levels and minimize water retention. • Have some electrolytes Electrolytes, basically ...

Cross Fit workouts, know its benefits and risks with thinks to keep in mind !

Crossword gymnasiums and workouts are gaining popularity all around the world. Basically, Cross Fit is a form of high intensity workout. That includes dynamic exercises like Olympic weightlifting, kettlebells, explosive body weight movements, plyometric jumping. So here we are coming up with some of the health benefits you may have after opting this form of workout. • Aids in improving physical strength Cross Fit workouts generally include high intensity multi joint movements. These result in gaining muscle strength and stamina. As one increases weights, feels muscle pumping and gain. One can continuously challenge his or her muscles by participating in workout of the day. It will surely give your muscle some toning. D workout of the day or WOD is the most known and signature part of Cross Fit program. • Will improve your aerobic fitness High intensity power workout is another form of Cross Fit workout program. This training ensures an increasing The maximum amount of oxygen one can ut...

Pandan, know about its benefits on health!

Pandan is an aromatic plant that has its value because of its sweet floral fragments and versatility. This plant has spiky leaves that grow in a fan shared bunches manner. Some varieties of Pandan also grow fruits that somewhat look alike orange pinecones. Although western parts of the world are not so well known about this beneficial plant species, but pandan is used widely in South and South Asian cuisines. This plant is also known as Screw pine in tropical areas of the world. Many Sri Lankan, Thai and South Asian cuisines use it as an prominent ingredients. So now let’s talk about the potential health benefits of pandan on human body. • Highly beneficial in arthritis pain Arthritis in other joint pains affect millions of people all around the world. They are generally characterized by joint pain and stiffness. Indian developed, Ayurveda form of Medicine reveals that coconut and mixture of pandan leaves serve as a excellent medication. Because of its anti-inflammatory effects, this m...

5 simple ways that will help you to stop eating a lot of sugar

Eating heavy amount or too much of sugar is one of the worst things you are doing with your body. It has several negative effects on human body. Experts and Researches revealed that excess amount of sugar intake contributes to obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer tooth decay and several other health issues. However, natural sugars are also found in fruits and vegetables, but it has very little impact on blood sugar levels and are considered safe. The main danger is from added sugars that are present in processed foods. Studies and researches advise, 37 grams of sugar for men and 25 grams for women in a single day. So here we are coming up with some of the methods you can follow in daily lifestyle to avoid heavy sugar intake. • Avoid sugar loaded desserts Mostly desserts are filled with lots of processed sugar. This is the main reason behind sweet and appealing taste of deserts. Because of these high sugar content it can directly spike blood sugar levels. This makes these des...

Is eating peach skin safe and healthy? Just go through the below mentioned facts !

Peaches are one of the delicious and most loved fruit all around the world. With a vast reserves of fibre, minerals and vitamins. These fruits can be enjoyed raw, cooked or baked. In fact, both peach flesh and peach skin are edible. However many health experts advise to avoid the skin of peach and not to eat it. So let’s check out the pros and cons of eating peach skin. • Benefits of eating peach skin Though peach skin is very toxic for certain animal species, but it’s not toxic for humans and generally considered safe to eat. A whole peach is very good source of energizing complex carbohydrates, fibre, vitamins and minerals. Addition to these , they have good antioxidant capacity that helps in fighting free radicals. Those may cause oxidative damage and may lead various diseases. Peach skin contains about 3 grams of fibre, so it is the best way to get most fibre out of peach. These type of fibre rich fruits promote regular bowel movements and even reduce the risk of heart diseases. Pe...

5 impressive health benefits of using cabbage regularly !

Just because of lack of knowledge of impressive health benefits of cabbage , it’s generally overlooked. Cabbage is basically a vegetable variety that belongs to Brassica genus of plants. This vegetable is available in a variety of shapes and colours, including Red, Purple, White, Green colours. Traces of cabbage usage are found since thousands of years ago. And till now it is used in variety of dishes and salads. Carriage is loaded with a number of vitamins and minerals. Addition to this it is very low in calories. 89 grams of raw green cabbage contains only 22 calories. It has a vast reserve of protein, fibre, magnesium, folate, vitamin C, vitamin K, calcium, vitamin B6, potassium. So here we are coming up with five best health benefits cabbage may have on your body. • It may reduce inflammation Human body just realize an inflammation response to protect it from infections and speeding up healing processes. This kind of acute inflammation in human body is normal. But the thing become...

5 top and scientifically proven health benefits of Broccoli

Broccoli is a miniature tree like green vegetable that belongs to plant species Brassica oleracea . It is just similar to cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale and cauliflower. Basically, broccoli have three main varieties. Calabrese broccoli, sprouting broccoli and purple cauliflower. Broccoli has a vast reserve of macro as well as micro nutrients, including vitamin, mineral, fibre and antioxidants. About 91 grams of raw broccoli contains a wide array of vitamin, mineral, fibre and other bioactive compounds. It will contain 6 gram of carbohydrate, 3 grams of protein, 0.3 grams of fibre. Addition to this have a good content of vitamin C, vitamin A, Vitamin K, Vitamin B9, potassium, phosphorus, selenium.  So here mentioning the five scientifically proven health benefits of using broccoli regularly. • May aid in reducing inflammation Broccoli has a good reserve of various bio active compounds. That show their potent benefits in reducing inflammation. Broccoli contains a flavonoid, Kaempher...

How to get a ripped physique and know the code for six pack abs !

Ripped and chiselled abdominal muscles are the first thing on wish list of a fitness enthusiast. They makes you more sexier. Look more stronger and lean. Many people around the globe have a layer of heavy fat over their abdominal muscles. However, some of them have a deep fat layer inside their abdominal cavity. It is just a common fact that the more amount of fat you have the more time you will require to sharp your abdominals. According to a research by American Council of exercise, one requires to lower down the body fat level to about 6 to 13% for men and about 14 to 20% for women in order to get chiselled abdominal muscles. • First, lower down your body fat levels Just lowering down body fat level percentage is a long and pain taking process. Studies and researches revealed that in United States the average woman have about 40% body fat. An average man has about 28% of body fat. The fat percentage are naturally more in women because of hormone oestrogen. One who has a dream of get...

Steam bath, know the benefits of regular steam bath on your health !

Steam bath is basically a process in which on just sits in steam rooms which are enclosed place that are heated with steam. The temperature varies from place to place, but just estimating the typical temperature somewhere is around 110° Fahrenheit. Generally these types of Steam Bath and steam rooms are commonly seen in gyms and Spas. Steam rooms are generally same as saunas. In both, the process is one is encouraged to sit in a small heated room. And both of them claim many health benefits. The difference came from the type of heat they provide. Steam rooms are heated by generator filled with boiling water. On the other hand, a sauna uses dry heat that is derived from hot rocks and closed stove. So here we are coming up with some of the health benefits that are scientifically proven for Steam Bath. • May aid in lowering blood pressure Researches and studies reveal that any steam some people bodies release hormones that can change their heart rate. One of the most release hormones is a...

5 scientifically proven health benefits of using date palms. Check out the evidences!

Dates basically are the fruits of date palm tree. This tree is found and grown in many tropical region around the world. Dates are almost available or around the world in dried form. The appearance of the fruit reflects whether it is dried or not. If date have a wrinkled skin, then it is dried, whereas if it consists of a smooth skin, it indicates freshness. Dates generally have naturally occurring sweet content. They are storehouse of several nutrients and have a variety of advantages with good taste. So here we are coming up with five of the best and scientifically proven health benefits of using date palms. • Good source of fibre Getting enough amount of fibre is very important for human body and overall health. About 3.5 ounce serving of Date. Palm’s contain 7 grams of fibre. This can be a great way to include fibre in your diet. Fibres are highly beneficial for your digestive system as they help in preventing constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. During a research on 21 peopl...

Vitamin gummies, are they a good idea?

There is no doubt that vitamin supplements are incredibly popular all around the globe. Addition to this, these are available in various forms according to user demands. These vitamin supplements are basically used to improve health and compensate poor diet. Chewable gums are just gaining popularity as a popular vitamin supplement. These vitamin gummies are specially prepared with adding several types of vitamins to compensate daily vitamin intake. These gummies have a very pleasant taste and easier to intake. Talking especially about gummy vitamins. These are chewable vitamins that have texture and taste similar to candies or gums. They are available in variety of flavours, colour and shape, according to user demand. This makes them appealing for children as well as adults. These gummies are generally manufactured from gelatin, corn-starch, water, sugar, and adding different types of vitamin into them. So just know the potential benefits these vitamin gummies may have. • May provide v...

5 best CBD gummies for anxiety, Have a look on them !

In current modern world, the most funny, an interesting way to take cannabidiol (CBD) is just by chewing on tasty gummies. These CBD gummies are gaining popularity in modern world. They are easy to ingest, discrete, portable and palatable. These reasons make them an excellent choice. This is scientifically proven that CBD is helpful for several health issues. One of the prominent is anxiety. Buying a best quality CBD gummies ensures safety and proper worth of your money. So here we are mentioning top five CBD gummies that are beneficial for anxiety and worth your money. • Charlotte’s web CBD gummies These gummies have full spectrum type of CBD. With each gum contains about 5 mg of CBD content. This brand also gives you a good quantity of 60 gummies per container. Charlotte’s web gummies are basically for promoting sleep. The 3 gm of melatonin content in every serving of two gums. The brand claims to take these gummies about 30 minutes before you plan to sleep for a sound healthy sleep....

Know the health benefits of regular sweating !

Generally, when one thinks of sweating words like hot and sticky comes in the mind set. But beyond this first impression, there are a number of health benefits sweating have on human body. Some of the prominent health benefits are detox of heavy metals, elimination of chemical compounds, physical exertions. Sweating generally during exercise often accompanies physical expression. In many cases, exercise translates into number of health benefits on human body. Some of them are boosting energy, maintaining healthy weight, improving more, defending against many diseases and promoting good sleep. So here we are mentioning some of the most prominent health benefits that your body have after sweating. • Detoxing heavy metallic compounds Detoxing through sweat is a topic of hot debate and there are different opinions on it. During a study in 2016 in China, it was revealed that the levels of most heavy metals were lower down in those people who exercise regularly and sweat properly. Metallic c...

Raisins, are good for health despite of high sugar content !

  Raisins are actually grapes that have been dried in Sun or in food dehydrator. They are shrivelled, yellow, brown or purple morsels. Reasons are generally a prominent ingredient in salad topping, yogurt, bakery products, granola bars etc. Don’t go over there shape in size despite of small size, raisins are packed with energy and rich in fibre, vitamins and minerals. However, regions are naturally sweet and very high in sugar and calories, but if they are eaten in moderation’s they are beneficial for human health too. Raisins may aid in digestion, boosting iron levels and even can help in optimising bone health. • Sugar and calorie content in raisins Estimating just ½ Cup of raisins can contain about 217 calories out of which 40 grams are of sugar. This is the reason raisins are not exactly low in calories. Just because of high amounts of sugar and calories in this drive fruit is the reason to keep an eye on how many reasons you are eating. Because of its high calorie tendency rai...

Oversleeping, the things you should keep in mind before doing this !

This term mostly come across some times in one’s life. One must probably heard, that you should have a good amount of sleep each night. According to science and experts, sleep needs or is directly related to age and individual. However some other conditions they may affect sleep are pregnancy, aging, sleep deprivation and sleep quality. According to studies and researches, expert’s advice different amount of sleep mostly in the basis of age group. A healthy adult should take 7 to 9 hours of sound sleep. However, senior citizens and older ones can have 7 to 8 hours of sound sleep. Moreover, as the age goes down, the amount of sleep required increases. • Causes of Oversleeping The scientific term for oversleeping is hypersomnia. It is a condition that affects 2% of people globally. People suffering from hypersomnia requires 10 to 12 hours of sleep per night to feel their best and refreshed. The reason behind this is daily life schedule, may the long sleepers feel tired after a day full o...

5 scientifically proven health benefits of vitamin A , know which one is for you !

Vitamin A is a general term that is a used for group of fat soluble compounds mainly vitamins. Vitamin A plays essential role for many processes in human body that includes maintaining healthy vision, ensuring normal functioning of immune system and organs. Science and experts advise to get 900 mcg of vitamin daily for men and 700 mcg of vitamin daily for women. Vitamin A is most commonly available form of vitamin that is almost found in every animal in plant food. So we are coming up with five scientifically proven health benefits of vitamin A. These benefits have concrete evidences backed by science. • Beneficial for eye health Almost everybody knows the necessity of vitamin A for preserving your eyesight. Vitamin A is very important because it converts light that hits your eyes into an electric signal that is sent to your brain. Vitamin A deficiency may cause night blindness as the first symptom. This is because deficiency of vitamin A effects rhodopsin that is present in human eye....

Nitric oxide supplements, Know 5 ways in which they can boost your health and performance!

Nearly every human cell in human body produces nitric oxide and it is one of the most important molecules for blood vessels. The main motive of nitric oxide is to relax the inner muscles of your blood vessels and causing the vessel to widen up. This thing will subsequently help you to increase your blood flow and lowering down blood pressure levels. In today’s world, supplements that increase nitric oxide in body are gaining popularity and trend among every section of people. Impact The thing is, these supplements do not contain nitric oxide directly. But contain some substances or compounds that can boost the nitric oxide formation inside body. So here we are coming up with proper evidence of benefits from nitric oxide supplements. • It may decrease muscle soreness Forms of L citrulline, majorly citrulline malate is gaining trend amongst the health enthusiasts and bodybuilders now days. The reason behind this is not only it increases the nitric oxide production, but also decreases mus...

Amla, The Indian Gooseberry: know it’s benefits on body !

Indian Gooseberry or locally known as Amla, is a fruit tree that grows in native parts of Asia. Since older times, it has been used because of it’s herbal and medicinal properties. This Indian fruit is rich in vitamin C, an often supported to have potential antioxidant and health benefits. Scientifically, Phyllanthus emblica and locally called as Amla, this small tree has yellow green flowers and blossoms into round edible fruit. Basically, the fruits of this plant are of size of a golf ball with a very thin peel. They have a discrete sour, bitter and astringent taste. This fruit is also used in Indian cooked cuisines. Mostly the supplements that are available in the market are in powdered and juice forms. • Amla and it’s anti aging properties Just because of high vitamin C content, Indian Gooseberry have several promising anti aging benefits. It is scientifically proven that vitamin C is an antioxidant that can help you in preventing cellular damage. Amla because of it's antioxid...

Spinach, know its nutrition facts and health benefits!

Spinach or scientifically Spinacia oleracea basically is a green leafy vegetable variety. This word idea vegetable belongs to amaranth family and is related to beets in quinoa. Health experts claim that eating spinach may benefit eye health, reduce oxidative stress, help in preventing cancer, reducing blood pressure levels, and several other benefits. About 100 grams of raw spinach contains 23 calories only. These calories are further divided into 91% is water, protein, carbohydrates, sugar, fibre and fat. Addition to these macro nutrients, some of the micronutrients present in spinach are vitamin A, vitamin C, Vitamin K1, folic acid, Iron and calcium. Spinach is also very rich in several plant compounds that include Lutein, Kaempherol, Nitrates, Quercetin, Zeaxanthin. So putting forward some of the scientifically proven health benefits of using spinach. • Spinach may reduce oxidative stress The process of metabolism produces free radicals and by-products. They can cause oxidative stre...

Know the health benefits of cottage cheese ! Why it’s super healthy and nutritious?

Since last few decades cottages has gained a good popularity in health enthusiasts. Cottage cheese is basically a low calorie cheese with mild flavour. This cheese is often recommended as part of healthy diet by experts and professionals. Cottage cheese have a vast reserve of quality protein and essential nutrients. This is the reason behind it’s widely used by athletes and health enthusiasts in weight loss plans. Generally, cottage cheese is soft, white and creamy dairy product. Basically it is a fresh and do not have much processing or undergo any aging or ripening process. Cottage cheese is manufactured from cards of various levels of pasteurized cow milk. However, with increasing technology and demand it is now available in creamed, wiped, lactose free, reduced sodium and sodium free varieties. • Cottage cheese can be helpful in losing weight Experts and nutritionists generally include cottage cheese in weight loss program. During a study in which participants were on a high protei...

5 benefits of using mustard oil, you need to know !

Mustard oil is one of the prominent ingredient in Indian cuisine. It is basically prepared from seeds of mustard plant. Mustard oil is famous for its strong flavour, pungent aroma and high smoke point. It is often used for frying vegetables in many parts of the world Mostly in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. Meanwhile, there are some. Countries like United States, Canada and Europe that have banned pure mustard oil. But in these countries it is typically used for massage oil, skin, serum and hair treatment. So here we are coming up with five most beneficial uses of mustard oil. • Mustard oil may prevent microbial growth Researchers and experts claim that mustard oil has essential, powerful antimicrobial properties. That will surely help in blocking the growth of certain types of harmful bacteria. A test tube study reveals that white mustard essential oil decrease the growth of several strains of bacteria. Similarly, another test tube study compares the antibacterial effect of some of t...

5 proven health benefits of chia seeds with concrete evidences ! Just know about.

Chia seeds are considered among the healthiest foods available on the planet. They have vast reserve of nutrients that are highly beneficial for your body and brain. Chia seeds basically are tiny black seeds of Salvia Hispanics plant. Chia seeds are known for their ability to provide sustainable amount of energy. Recently chia seeds gained popularity all around the globe and are consumed by health conscious people. Just estimating 28 grams of chia seeds contain about 11 grams of fibre, 4 grams of protein, 9 grams of fat. In addition to this, chia seeds are a great source of manganese, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, Vitamin B3, potassium, Vitamin B1 and vitamin B12. So here we come up with some of the proven health benefits of adding chia seeds in regular diet. • Chia seeds have a vast reserves of antioxidants Chia seeds shine because of their high antioxidant content too. These antioxidants will surely help in decreasing oxidative stress and cell damage. Basically, these antiox...

5 healthy foods that will surely help you to poop. Use them if constipated !

In modern lifestyle, constipation is one of the most affecting health problem. That affects about 20% of estimated population. The most common causes are delayed colonic transit or decreasing movement of food through intestine or digestive system. Experts suggest that a low fibre diet, aging and physical inactivity can contribute to constipation. However, the remedies that are available commercially in the market for constipation include laxatives, stool softeners, fibre supplements etc. Keeping all these medicines and medications aside. We are coming up with five healthy food items which are easily available and can be included in diet. These foods are scientifically proven to help in constipation. • Beans Mostly every variety of beans are high in fibre and can help in maintaining mobility of bowel. Just taking an example, black beans boast 7.5 grams of fibre in 86 gram of beans. Meanwhile, 91 grams of cooked navy beans contain about 9.5 grams of fibre. Beans are also known to have go...