White bread vs whole wheat bread. Just know which one is better for your health !
Recently, researchers discovered some of the facts, one of which are different people’s body react differently to same foods. This can be a breakthrough in understanding the dieting methods. Researches on breads are going since decades and reveal that they are healthy. Till now there are uncertainties in effects of different types of breads.
However, some of the researchers and experts came to a conclusion that there is no clinical difference between white bread or whole wheat bread. This conclusion was drawn after performing a crossover study of 20 adults. Half of them were given white breads in their diets, and another half were given whole wheat breads. Both the groups show similar effects after a fixed period of time.
• Is there really a difference between white bread and whole wheat bread?
It will be surprising, but experts and researchers found no difference between the effects or side effects of two breads. They just combined an analyse the data on the mentioned two bread types. Testing whether bread of any type has any effect.
The report reveals that they saw a reduction in essential minerals in the blood and increase in LDH. When participants were given breads of both type for one week. They also mentioned some of the improvements in liver and kidney functioning.
Addition to this in microbiome, they found some of the minimal differences between effects of these different breads. White bread initially has more microbial functioning.
• But the effects may differ from person to person !
In a 2015 study, during which 900 people were observed. Researches, found that bread is one of the most consumed food items in participants' diets. So this makes roughly about 10% of their daily calorie intake.
Half of the people were given fresh white breads. While another half were given specially baked whole wheat bread for two weeks. Then after these two weeks, their bread categories were reversed.
Researchers came across a number of effects on participants during their study. These effects were on glucose levels, calcium levels, iron, magnesium, fat and cholesterol levels. Kidney and liver enzymes also have positive effects.
The only difference they come across was, the people who were consuming white breads have slightly higher glycemic response.
However, the nutrients and other essential minerals they intake were almost same in both the groups.
So after going through above mentioned studies and researches, we can conclude that white or whole wheat bread both are just same. But if you have some diabetic issue or are extremely health conscious . Then you can opt for whole wheat bread . As researches show it has slightly low glycemic index. But this difference is very minimal.
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