Anabolic steroids, a fact check of all the claims !

Anabolic steroids are technically called anabolic androgenic steroids are just a type of artificial testosterones. These supplements are used to replace or add bodies, natural level of testosterones. This hormone is typically associated with male human body. An average healthy male has about 300 to 1000 ng/do of testosterones in body. This hormone is basically known for male sexual characters.

• Use of anabolic steroids

Anabolic steroids are not so harmful when they are used appropriately with proper dosage. The use of anabolic steroids depends on variety of health and athletic purposes. Athletes use anabolic steroids for growing muscle mass, gaining muscle strength, increasing bone density, increasing red blood cell production and etc. Steroids are mostly associated with athletes that need more strength, such as bodybuilders and weight lifters. Because of its potential for strength and muscle growth and improve in athletic performance. Let’s just drawn is known for increasing the intensity of work out for longer period of times.

Addition to this some of these steroids also have additional compounds that create a feeling of rush inside body. Thus increasing the blood flow in muscles and veins.

• Side effects of anabolic steroids on men

As mentioned earlier, small doses for short period of time under the monitoring of a doctor or health expert. Steroids may have low risk of harmful side effects. Basically, every steroid has androgenic and anabolic component. Androgenic component is known for affecting male sex characters. On the other hand, anabolic components increase muscle mass and strength.

The possible and scientifically proven health risks of using steroids are :

1. Just because steroids increases rush of blood flow inside the body. A long and prolonged use of these types of steroids or drugs can cause heart diseases and attacks.

2. Regular use of anabolic steroids can increase the temper and aggressiveness of individual. Thus, may affect as hypertension to most of them.

3. Steroids anabolic or androgenic, both are hard to digest and can affect or damage your liver severely.

4. May increase the fat tissue content on male chest, thus creating a problem of male breast.

5. Our legs droids just affects the natural production of testosterone in the body. As prolonged use creates habit of artificial testosterones.

6. Anabolic steroids can decrease these sperm count and sperm quality too. This may result in male infertility.

7. The most common and scientifically proven harmful effect is baldness. Steroids generally causes loss of hair thus, resulting in male baldness.

• Steroid side effects on women

Whether made all female steroids have specific side effects on both of them. As steroids contain artificial testosterone it mostly affects female sexual characters in women. So the side effects on women include.

1. Deepening of voice like men.

2. Facial hair growth.

3. More masculinity in the body.

4. Changing face shape.

5. Clitoris enlargement

6. Irregular menstrual cycle.

7. Infertility and ovary related issues.

8. Shrinkage in breast size.

Although steroids an other anabolic drugs are banned by various sports and health organisations worldwide. But then also many athletes use them for quick results. It is advisable to eat clean and healthy diet with good workout or practice sessions. To gain better results even with no side effects.


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