5 scientifically proven health benefits of using date palms. Check out the evidences!
Dates basically are the fruits of date palm tree. This tree is found and grown in many tropical region around the world. Dates are almost available or around the world in dried form. The appearance of the fruit reflects whether it is dried or not. If date have a wrinkled skin, then it is dried, whereas if it consists of a smooth skin, it indicates freshness. Dates generally have naturally occurring sweet content. They are storehouse of several nutrients and have a variety of advantages with good taste.
So here we are coming up with five of the best and scientifically proven health benefits of using date palms.
• Good source of fibre
Getting enough amount of fibre is very important for human body and overall health. About 3.5 ounce serving of Date. Palm’s contain 7 grams of fibre. This can be a great way to include fibre in your diet. Fibres are highly beneficial for your digestive system as they help in preventing constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.
During a research on 21 people who consumed seven dates per day for a month. Results in improvement of their stool frequency. Addition to this dates are also beneficial for good sugar control. Fibre slows down the digestion and this will aid in preventing high blood sugar levels.
• Contain disease fighting antioxidants
Dates basically are a storehouse of various antioxidant content. These antioxidants have a number of important benefits on body. The key role is to prevent body from fee radicals , that can create harmful reaction inside the body. This increasing the risk of various health disorders. Date palms claimed to have the highest amount of antioxidant content. This thing is scientifically proven with concrete evidence too.
• Dates act as excellent natural sweetener
Dates are a good source of fructose, which is a type of sugar that is only found in fruits and natural substances. This is the main reason that dates are very sweet and have a appealing taste. This great taste can be the reason for substituting from general processed white sugar to dates. The best way to use date as a sweetening agent is just make a paste of it and then use it in any recipe.
• Dates an excellent snack for brain
Researches and studies show that eating dates regularly may help you to improve your brain functioning and memory. In laboratory tests, it was found that dates are useful and helpful for lowering inflammatory markers in the brain. The high level of these inflammatory makers associated with higher risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. Other scientific studies and researches show that dates are helpful in reducing amyloid best proteins. They are known to create plague in the brain.
• Dates highly beneficial in optimizing bone health and controlling blood sugar levels
Dates are the storehouse of several minerals, most prominently phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium. All this will minerals are studied for their potential in developing good and strong bones. So dates may help in preventing bone degenerative issues like osteoporosis and arthritis.
Dates have extremely low glycemic index. This is the reason that they can help in sugar regulation and control. If used in moderate amounts in place of traditional sweetening agents.
So from above mentioned facts, we come to an conclusion that dates are extremely healthy fruits. That one should include in diet. Till now, no such side effects have been discovered on moderate consumption of dates.
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