5 impressive health benefits of using cabbage regularly !
Just because of lack of knowledge of impressive health benefits of cabbage , it’s generally overlooked. Cabbage is basically a vegetable variety that belongs to Brassica genus of plants. This vegetable is available in a variety of shapes and colours, including Red, Purple, White, Green colours. Traces of cabbage usage are found since thousands of years ago. And till now it is used in variety of dishes and salads. Carriage is loaded with a number of vitamins and minerals. Addition to this it is very low in calories. 89 grams of raw green cabbage contains only 22 calories. It has a vast reserve of protein, fibre, magnesium, folate, vitamin C, vitamin K, calcium, vitamin B6, potassium.
So here we are coming up with five best health benefits cabbage may have on your body.
• It may reduce inflammation
Human body just realize an inflammation response to protect it from infections and speeding up healing processes. This kind of acute inflammation in human body is normal. But the thing becomes critical when this inflammation turns into chronic inflammation and occur for a long period of time. This can create a risk of various diseases, including heart diseases, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease.
Cabbage has a rich antioxidant content that will surely help in bringing down chronic inflammation.
During a study over 1000, Chinese woman revealed that those who ate high amounts of cabbage has lower levels of inflammatory risks.
• It can help in boosting up immunity
Cabbage has a vast storehouse of vitamin C. This is a water soluble vitamin that has prominent role in immune response. Addition to this, vitamin C also helps in absorbing non heme iron in the body.
Vitamin C boosts up the human immunity and helps in fighting from free radicals and other infections.
Various studies and human trials revealed the link between vitamin C and reducing in cancer diseases.
• Will surely help in improving digestion
Regular intake of cabbage may improve your digestive Health Because this crunchy vegetable is full of gut friendly, insoluble fibre content. These fibres do not easily breakdown an intestine, thus remain under rested and provides a bulk to the stool. This will surely promote regular bowel movements.
Fibre act is a food for friendly bacteria in the gut, thus increasing the digestive processes. Adding cabbage to your daily diet is an excellent way to keep your digestive system healthy.
• Lowering down cholesterol levels
Many people think that all type of cholesterols are bad and it’s not required by human body for proper functioning. But some of the bodies critical processes depends on cholesterol. Such as proper digestion and synthesis of hormones and vitamin D. People who have high cholesterol levels are just because of bad LDL cholesterol hikes. Cabbage contain plants sterols and fibber content that has shown excellent results in decreasing bad cholesterol levels during researches.
• Cabbage, a prominent source of vitamin K
Vitamin K comes in the class of fat soluble vitamins that play important role in human body. Cabbage has a vast reserve of vitamin K. That can deliver about 85% of recommended daily use. Vitamin K has many benefits like it acts as a cofactor for enzymes. That have to clot blood during injury. Without a proper vitamin K content, blood loses its ability to clot properly, thus increasing the risk of excessive bleeding during injuries.
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