5 healthy foods that will surely help you to poop. Use them if constipated !

In modern lifestyle, constipation is one of the most affecting health problem. That affects about 20% of estimated population. The most common causes are delayed colonic transit or decreasing movement of food through intestine or digestive system. Experts suggest that a low fibre diet, aging and physical inactivity can contribute to constipation. However, the remedies that are available commercially in the market for constipation include laxatives, stool softeners, fibre supplements etc. Keeping all these medicines and medications aside. We are coming up with five healthy food items which are easily available and can be included in diet. These foods are scientifically proven to help in constipation.

• Beans

Mostly every variety of beans are high in fibre and can help in maintaining mobility of bowel. Just taking an example, black beans boast 7.5 grams of fibre in 86 gram of beans. Meanwhile, 91 grams of cooked navy beans contain about 9.5 grams of fibre. Beans are also known to have good amounts of soluble and insoluble fibres both. These both surely help you to ease constipation in different ways.

Soluble fibres just absorb water to form gel like. Laxative that helps in softening of stools.

Insoluble fibres on the other hand, add bulk to the stool thus making it to pass easily through intestines.

• Pears

Pears may aid in bowel movement and relief from constipation. Pears also have high fibre content. About one medium pear of 178 grams contains 6 gram of Fibres. Meanwhile in addition to this, pears also have high level of sorbitol. It is a sugar alcohol that acts as an osmotic agent and pulls water into intestines to stimulate a bowel movement. Pears also have a good amount of fructose that two can help you in bringing water into your enter stein and creating a lubrication for your stool.

• Apples

Apples two are a vast storehouse of fibres, about 149 grams of apple contains 4 grams of fibre. So this fibre also will surely put bulk to your stool. Just aid in smooth passage. Addition to this, apple also contain a specific type of soluble fibre called pectin.

During a study on 80 participants which were facing frequent constipation took pectin supplements for four weeks. That resulted in reducing symptoms of constipation and even improving the digestive health by increasing amount of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

• Figs

Figs are too an excellent way to get good amount of fibre into your diet. It’ll just encourage regular bowel movements. About 75 grams of dried fix contain 8 grams of fibre which can fulfil 16% of men’s and 25% of women’s daily fibre need.

A study reveals that giving fig paste to 40 participants with Constipation helps them in speeding colonic transit and improve stool consistency.

• Artichokes

Researchers any studies reveal that artichokes have a probiotic effect on human body. Prebiotics basically are a special type of fibre content that feeds good bacteria in your colon. Subsequently, will result in increasing digestion power in gut. A study in 2017 on 199 participants concludes that prebiotic increase stool frequency and improve consistency.

All the above mentioned food items are generally available all around you in any part of the globe. So just go to your nearest departmental store, and bring some for yourself.


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