5 proven health benefits of chia seeds with concrete evidences ! Just know about.
Chia seeds are considered among the healthiest foods available on the planet. They have vast reserve of nutrients that are highly beneficial for your body and brain. Chia seeds basically are tiny black seeds of Salvia Hispanics plant. Chia seeds are known for their ability to provide sustainable amount of energy. Recently chia seeds gained popularity all around the globe and are consumed by health conscious people. Just estimating 28 grams of chia seeds contain about 11 grams of fibre, 4 grams of protein, 9 grams of fat. In addition to this, chia seeds are a great source of manganese, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, Vitamin B3, potassium, Vitamin B1 and vitamin B12.
So here we come up with some of the proven health benefits of adding chia seeds in regular diet.
• Chia seeds have a vast reserves of antioxidants
Chia seeds shine because of their high antioxidant content too. These antioxidants will surely help in decreasing oxidative stress and cell damage. Basically, these antioxidants are present in the seeds to protect sensitive fats. Though benefits of antioxidants in chia seeds is a topic of more study and debate.
• Chia seeds have high quality protein
Chia seeds also contain a moderate amount of quality protein in them. Just taking protein percentage, which is about 14% protein by weight. Chia seeds are well balanced in all essential amino acids that your body requires to make protein content. A high protein diet may lower down appetite and shows to reduce obsessive thoughts about food by 60%.
• Chia seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids
Similar to flax seeds, chia seeds also contain a good reserve of omega-3 fatty acids. Just an estimation, chia seeds contain Omega three more than a Salmon or grams of gram. Thing to keep in mind is omega 3 is generally Alpha – Linolenic acid (ALA). This means they are not so beneficial as claimed. These ALA need to be converted into active forms so that human body can use them. Studies reveal that especially milled chia seeds increase blood levels of ALA and EPA.
• Benefits of chia seeds on bone health
Chia seeds as mentioned above contain various nutrients that are important for human bone health. The main of them are calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and protein. The calcium content profile of chia seeds is particularly impressive. Chia seeds contain 18% of RDI in 28 grams of content. So chia seeds are considered to be excellent alternative for people who do not opt for dairy products.
• Chia seeds may reduce chronic inflammation
Inflammation of body is generally a normal response of body towards injury or infection. Although inflammation is important for body as it heals and fights against bacteria, viruses and other infectious agents. But sometimes chronic inflammation can cause harm to the body too. Chronic inflammation generally causes risk of heart disease and cancer.
During a three month study on 20 people with diabetes reveals that eating 37 grams of chia seeds everyday reduce inflammatory makers by 40%.
So chia seeds may help in fighting chronic inflammation, but more studies and researches are required for concrete evidence.
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