Steam bath, know the benefits of regular steam bath on your health !
Steam bath is basically a process in which on just sits in steam rooms which are enclosed place that are heated with steam. The temperature varies from place to place, but just estimating the typical temperature somewhere is around 110° Fahrenheit. Generally these types of Steam Bath and steam rooms are commonly seen in gyms and Spas.
Steam rooms are generally same as saunas. In both, the process is one is encouraged to sit in a small heated room. And both of them claim many health benefits. The difference came from the type of heat they provide. Steam rooms are heated by generator filled with boiling water. On the other hand, a sauna uses dry heat that is derived from hot rocks and closed stove.
So here we are coming up with some of the health benefits that are scientifically proven for Steam Bath.
• May aid in lowering blood pressure
Researches and studies reveal that any steam some people bodies release hormones that can change their heart rate. One of the most release hormones is aldosterone. It is known for regulating your blood pressure levels. During the release of these hormones high blood pressure levels just come to a control.
• Can act as a stress buster
When your body is prone to high temperature stream in steam room, it decreases the production of cortisol. This hormone is known for regulating the level of stress. So when the level of this cortisol hormone will drop, you will subsequently feel more relaxed. This siting few hours in steam room may be beneficial for you and may refresh your mood.
• Very good for skin health
Just because of environmental exposure, our skin get stabbed with various toxins. Steam baths may help in releasing those toxins from skin pores. The warm condensation on the skin rinses away the dirt and dead skin in form of sweat.
• May clear congestion
Because of higher temperature environment of steam rooms. The mucous membrane gets warm up and encourages deep breathing. This will subsequently help in breaking down of congestion inside sinuses and lungs.
Steam therapies used since older times for treating cold and sinus infections. Steam rooms are relatively safe and more effective in comparison to home steam methods. During a study, done on a group of small children found that kids with respiratory infections recover more quickly after steam therapy.
• May aid in fat loss
It is a general observation that if one sits in sauna or steam room heart beat increases. If you take a steam bath just after a prolonged aerobic workout or intense workout session. Your heart rate will elevate to higher extent. This will help in losing down water weight of your body in form of sweat. Just by using steam bath regularly after gym may help you in burning down more calories.
After going through above mentioned facts and benefits, just try to have at least one to two steam bath sessions in a week . This will surely work in positive direction for your body.
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