How to get a ripped physique and know the code for six pack abs !

Ripped and chiselled abdominal muscles are the first thing on wish list of a fitness enthusiast. They makes you more sexier. Look more stronger and lean. Many people around the globe have a layer of heavy fat over their abdominal muscles. However, some of them have a deep fat layer inside their abdominal cavity. It is just a common fact that the more amount of fat you have the more time you will require to sharp your abdominals. According to a research by American Council of exercise, one requires to lower down the body fat level to about 6 to 13% for men and about 14 to 20% for women in order to get chiselled abdominal muscles.

• First, lower down your body fat levels

Just lowering down body fat level percentage is a long and pain taking process. Studies and researches revealed that in United States the average woman have about 40% body fat. An average man has about 28% of body fat. The fat percentage are naturally more in women because of hormone oestrogen. One who has a dream of getting abdominal muscles should lose at least half of body fat. Science and experts revealed that 1% body fat loss per month is safe and easily achievable.

• Reduce your calorie intake

One have to cut about 500 calories from your daily diet if you want to lose 1 pound of weight in one week. Eating less is not only the method to cut down 500 calories. One can opt for more intense workouts, thus burning more amount of calories and in taking less calories.

• Increase protein content in your diet

During fat loss program for getting clear abs one must ensure that adequate amount of protein should be added. This will help in preventing muscle loss with fat. According to a report published in nutrition reviews revealed that while trying to lose weight. Those who eat high amounts of protein are able to preserve lean muscles and improve body composition. One can easily calculate. By the method, 1 gram of protein per KG of your weight.

• Perform high intensity workouts

One must have to follow high intensity intermittent exercises in order to feed shred down. The most common method is sprinting for 20 seconds and then followed by walking for 40 seconds and then again sprinting. According to science, women who performed the type of cycling exercises for 20 minutes three times a week for about two months. Lose more body then to normal cardio followers.

• Increase the amount of weight training

Performing cardio and lifting weights together is the cheat code for getting chiselled physique and losing fat. During a study on overweight adolescents, it was found that. Participants who perform cardio for 30 minutes and strength training for next 30 minutes. Three times a week for six months lost more body fat then to normal aerobic exercise performers.

Though there is no quick and easy way to get 6 pack abs and ripped physique. It takes a lot of discipline, commitment and clean diet combined with proper workout. But if one remains committed and determined he/she will surely reach to the goal of six pack abs.


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