What is the taste of water? Let’s check, does water really have any flavour?

Although since our childhood we have been taught and told that water is tasteless. But in reality, water has some taste and not all water tastes the same. This taste can be subjective and can be influenced by several biological and chemical factors.

• From where water get its taste?

The most common factor that influence the taste of water is the sort of minerals dissolve in that. You may have noticed parts per million return on bottled drinking water. This parts per million refers to how much our particular mineral is present in given volume of water.

Not all the minerals present are easily detected by human taste buds. Some people also not able to detect the difference between mineral water and spring water.

• Water may taste different according to taste buds functioning.

The taste receptor cells, or taste buds that are present on human tongue. Have five major taste qualities that include bitter, sweet, sour, salty, umami. Science revealed the fact that drinking water journalist stimulates sour taste buds in humans. Most of the times when water is slightly acidic then the sour taste bud will activate.

• Taste of water from different sources.

The taste of water also depends upon from where it is derived. The type of water you will drink can estimate the change in taste.

1. Tap water.

Most common and usually available water that usually pours from taps and pipelines from a local municipality. Well. Because of the copper pipes that are used in transportation of the water. It can taste somewhat copper like.

2. Spring water.

The water that is derived or source from natural freshwater spring. Several minerals are get collected in that water that flows down the mountains and have a salty taste.

3. Alkaline water.

It is a natural occurring water that is ionised with minerals and have slightly high pH level. So this make it’s less acidic and slightly basic in nature. Sometimes for people with specific health conditions water is also artificially alkalized.

4. Distilled water.

Distilled water is the purest form of water and contain only hydrogen and oxygen. Generally it is made from steam of boiled water and there is no such mineral, chemical or bacterial content. This water has no taste.


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