Know whether honey is vegan!
Past few years have witnessed a gradual increase in vegan population around the world. Basically, veganism is a way of living that avoid any type of animal cruelty or exploitation.
This is why vegans generally avoid eating animal products like meat, eggs, dairy as well as other foods that are extracted from them. But people are still confused whether honey is a vegan friendly product or not. Currently, honey is somewhat the most controversial food among vegan community.
Several vegan people avoid eating honey. But at the same time, some vegans who eat plant based diet may opt to include honey in their diets. So let’s cheque out the facts.
• Why honey is against vegan community?
Most of the times vegans do not see any difference between bee farming and any other animal farming. Basically many commercially bee farmers employ practices that are unethical in eyes of vegan community.
First of all, Queen bees are clipped so that they could not fly away. Sometimes the entire colony has to be killed to prevent the spread of diseases. Vegans are against these exploitative practises.
People who strictly follow vegan diets avoid eating honey because commercial honey farming also harm health of bees. The main motive behind production of honey by bees, is to store it and consume it over the winter months. So that they can fulfil their requirement of carbohydrates and other essential nutrients.
Bee farmers generally take away honey from bees and often replace it by high fructose corn syrup. This syrup subsequently decreases the health of honey bees.
• The final answer.
After going through the above mentioned in formation you must have understood whether honey is vegan or not. Honey cannot be considered as a vegan product because it generally harms the health of animals. So if you are the one who strictly follows vegan laws and diet, then avoid using it.
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