Know about the symptoms that point towards migraine problem.
Migraine is not just an ordinary average headache, they are quite strong, pounding headaches and generally effects particular part of head. Migraine headache can last up to some hours or even to some days.
A typical migraine involves four different stages. Each stage has its own symptoms and signs.
1. Premonitory stage.
2. Visual symptoms stage.
3. Main attack stage.
4. Recovery stage.
• Signs and symptoms of premonitory stage.
The premonitory stage, generally start anywhere just a few hours or two days before your actual migraine begins. The main symptoms that are experienced during premonitory stage include.
1. Fatigue.
2. Irritability.
3. Constipation.
4. Sugar cravings.
5. More changes, an increase in anxiety or depression.
6. Frequently yawning and tight sore neck.
• Visual symptoms stage.
Visual symptoms stage also called Aura stage medically is generally experienced during migraine or right before it. The symptoms are quite visible and gradually lost up to 20 to 60 minutes. Almost everyone with migraine experiences this visual symptoms stage.
Most commonly observed signs and symptoms of visual symptoms stage include.
1. Dark spot and vision loss.
2. Problem in hearing.
3. Speech problem.
4. Witnessing bright spots and flashes of light.
5. Tingling sensations in limbs.
• Symptoms of Main attack stage.
This is the most severe stage of migraine. Main attack stage includes headache, then other symptoms that will last up to few hours or to few days. Sufferers of migraine generally experienced the following symptoms during main attack stage.
1. Nausea and vomiting.
2. Abdominal pain and loss of appetite.
3. Pulsating pain in single side of the head.
4. Increasing pain during any physical activity.
5. Problem in natural vision.
6. Light headedness and fainting.
• Recovery stage.
During recovery stage, sufferers generally feel tired and drained after a severe main attack stage. The migraine failed slowly, but some people also reported the feeling of euphoria after the migraine headache.
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