Hiccups (Hichki), know their original cause !
One must have faced at least one in his or her life, the repetitive, uncontrollable contractions in breathing. Scientifically they’re called hiccups and originate in diaphragm. The main motive of diaphragm is to regulate breathing. But when this thing becomes out of rhythm, it cause hiccups or we Indians also called it as “hichki”.
Till now there are no such methods available that can anticipate the hiccups. Often in most of the people, hiccups start and ends abruptly. Their duration may range for a few minutes.
Just keeping all our Indian myths and claims regarding hiccups aside. Here we are bringing the scientifically proven facts behind the cause of hiccups. So that next time when anybody faces hiccup, somebody won’t tell him that “someone is remembering the person”.
• Causes of hiccups.
Still the date, science have discovered numerous causes of hiccups. Some of these causes are also been identified.
But the thing is, till now there is no such definite list of triggers of hiccups. Hiccups generally come and go for no apparent reason due to some temporary defect in diaphragm.
The most probable reasons behind short term hiccups include.
1. Sudden change in air temperature.
2. Overeating.
3. Lot of spicy food.
4. More consumption of carbonated beverages.
5. Swallowing air.
6. Emotional stress.
7. High consumption of alcohol.
Although some people also face hiccups that last longer for 48 hours. This situation is categorised as persistent hiccups. In most of the cases, these persistent hiccups are generally caused by his injury or any irritation in diaphragm, larynx or trachea.
Sometimes he cups also involves central nervous system defects. When there is some damage in central nervous system including brain and spinal cord, body losses ability to control over hiccups.
Most common central nervous system defects that cause long term persistent hiccups include.
1. Head or brain injury.
2. Tumours or cancer.
3. Brain infections.
4. Stroke.
5. Swelling in brain.
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