Dizziness after workout: know the possible reasons.

Nowadays people are getting more concerned about their health and physique. Last few years so a massive growth of health enthusiasts and fitness freaks all around the world. But sometimes people feel dizziness or shaky after workout session.

Although post workout dizziness is not a sign of something too serious. Most of the times it is a result of improper breathing and dehydration.

But then also here we are bringing the most common causes, why people feel post workout dizziness.

• Overexerting oneself or over pressurising.

Although just extending your limits is a good sign of progress in any workout program. It is a common thing in Group of exercise classes and team training sessions.

But remember, pushing too hard during workout session can cause the blood pressure to drop or result in dehydration. Subsequently, it will result in feeling of light headed, dizziness or shaky.

• Dehydration.

It is one of the most common cause behind people experiencing post workout dizziness. It is a process which happens whenever body lose more water than it intake.

Any type of exercise results in increase in body temperature. Subsequently, body then produces sweat to cool itself. Loss of water through Dehydration can cause a feeling of dry mouth, extreme thirst, fatigue, dizziness.

So it is quite important to take the required amount of water during workouts.

• Low blood pressure.

Human blood pressure is normally at its lowest for 60 minutes during workout. But certain people experience a sudden drop, it happens mostly when one fails to cool down after a vigorous exercise.

After a sudden stop in exercising the heart and muscles quickly returned to their normal pace, but blood vessels take some time. This can result in feeling of dizziness and fainting.

• Proper breathing.

During any form of exercise, human muscles consume a lot of oxygen. Breathing and heart rate significantly increases so that more oxygenated blood can flow through muscles.

But if the person is not breathing enough during the exercise, then hurt may not be pumping enough oxygenated blood. A common cause of dizziness during workouts.

• Low blood sugar levels.

Everybody knows that during workout human muscles consume more energy than normal. Body draws glucose floating around in blood stream to sustain muscle requirement. Once it get used, the blood sugar level drops. Then body moves through the reserves for drawing glucose from liver.

Brain also requires glucose to function normally. Because of absence of required amount of glucose one may feel dizzy and shaky.


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