Protein farts: causes and five ways to cure them.

Flatulence is one of the ways by which body passes intestinal gas. Basically, intestinal gas is a product of food. You eat an air you might swallow during process. It’s an observation that an average person farts about 5 to 15 times per day. But some of the people can pass gas more often. This may be because of foods they eat as well as their gut microbiota.

Keeping all other types of food items aside here, we will talk on protein and flatulence because of it.

• Know the cause of protein farts.

Mostly protein supplements are used by athletes and health enthusiasts. It is an essential nutrient needed to build muscle mass. Although there is no evidence that high protein diet may cause increase in flatulence. But there are some evidences that protein powder supplements increase flatulence. This may be because of non protein components such as lactose present in them.

Supplements that are based on whey protein or casein protein may contain high amounts of lactose. It is a scientific fact that high intake of lactose can increase flatulence. Addition to these, some of the protein powders contain thickeners and sorbitol, can cause farts too.

Coming up with five ways to cure protein farts.

• Switch your protein powder.

Whey protein is the prominent ingredient that is present in many types of proteins snacks, bars and shakes. Mostly the concentrate whey protein is quite high in lactose. On the other hand, whey protein isolate has less lactose, which your body might digest more easily.

Another option is just switch for vegan or soy and pea protein. These are made from non milk sources and will have no lactose content in them.

• Opt for OTC remedies.

OTC (Over the counter) remedies may help to ease flatulence. Always look for ingredients such as activated charcoal. And look carefully on nutrition label. Some of the remedies are intended for use before to eat.

• Add some herbs in your diet.

There are certain varieties of herbs that have potential to help gastrointestinal issues. They will surely help in relieving symptoms such as excess glass and bloating.

One of the most common remedy is drinking ginger or peppermint tea to soothe your gut after meals. Meant will also be beneficial.

• Just add some pro and prebiotic supplements too.

Digestive enzymes that are present in proven prebiotic supplements will help in proper digestion of protein. One of the main reason behind protein farts is not digestion of its amino acids.

Pre or probiotic supplements, especially containing protease will surely help in proper digestion of protein.

Moreover, some varieties of whey protein are available commercially that have added digestive enzymes in them. If one do not want to purchase additional pre probiotic supplements can opt for that.

• Visit to your health expert.

If, after following above mentioned tips and tricks you still feel the problem. Then you must visit your health expert as soon as possible.

Maybe there is some problem with your digestive system. Or the farts are pointing towards some serious issue. In this case, the best way is to consult a health expert.


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