Know whether you can consume papaya seeds ?
Papaya is the one of the most loved foods for its delicious flavour and nutrient profile. But unfortunately still there are people who often discard it seeds and favour only fresh. Seems like they do not realise that seeds are not only developed, also highly nutritious.
Papaya seeds have a variety of essential micro nutrients. These are especially high in polyphenols and flavonoids, those act as antioxidants and promote good health. Moreover, papaya seeds are just packed with good amount of healthy monounsaturated fatty acids. Addition, it will also supply a good amount of fibre that will help in reducing blood pressure, cholesterol levels and optimising digestion.
So now have a look on potential health benefits of using papaya seeds regularly.
• Act as anti fungal and bacterial protection.
Several scientific studies show that papaya seeds can destroy certain types of fungi and parasites.
During one test tube study, it was found that papaya seed extracts was effective against three strains of fungi. These were specifically pathogens responsible for causing yeast infection. Some other sort of studies found that drinking an elixir made from dried papaya seeds and honey significantly kill intestinal parasites.
• May promote kidney functioning.
Kidneys play an integral role in optimising health. They act as a filter to remove excess waste and fluid from body. Some of the scientific observations suggest that eating papaya seeds could protect and preserve health of kidneys.
During one study, when rats were given a medication to induce toxicity. Found that papaya seed extracts helped in preventing kidney damage.
• Have anti cancer properties.
But buyer seeds have an impressive nutrient and antioxidant profile. During some of the observations it was observed that papaya seeds can have anti cancer properties.
During one is test tube study, it was found that papaya seed extract help in reducing inflammation. They also protect against cancer development.
A handful of other test tube studies revealed that papaya seeds decrease the growth of prostate cancer. Although these types of results are promising, but there are still requirements of several more studies on this topic.
• A gift for digestive health.
Like other seeds of any fruit, papaya seeds are a good source of fibre. Fibre just moves through your gastrointestinal tract undigested. This add bulk and smooth your stools to promote regularity.
Our common review of five studies found that increasing fibre intake increased stool frequency in people with constipation. Having the required amount of fibre may improve several other aspects of digestive health as well.
But keep in mind, papaya seeds may decrease fertility.
Some of the animal studies have shown that papaya seeds may reduce fertility. During one study, it was found that administrating large doses of papaya seed extracts to monkeys. Severely caused a condition in which there was lack of sperm and semen. Some of the rat studies also come out with similar findings. The basic report says that papaya seed extract reduce both sperm count and sperm motility.
But another interesting thing researchers came across was these changes were reversed within 50 days of stopping treatment.
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