Know what are trans fats and why they are bad for you !

Trans fats is a word that one may have heard several times during his life time. Most of the people know that these facts are extremely unhealthy. But still there are confusions regarding the fact behind this. Although intake of trans fats had declined in recent years, as awareness has increased.

Trans fats or trans fatty acids are just form of unsaturated fats. They are available both in natural and artificial forms. Natural trans fats occur in meat and dairy, from ruminant animals such as cattle, sheep, goats. Several scientific studies and reviews have concluded that a moderate intake of these fats do not appear to be harmful.

Meanwhile artificial trans fats known as industrial trans fats are extremely hazardous to health. Basically, they are partially hydrogenated fats. These fats occur when vegetable oils are chemically altered to stay solid at room temperature. The only reason behind it is to give them a longer self life.

• Why they are claimed to be extremely unhealthy?

1. Heart health.

It is a scientifically proven fact that artificial transfers may increase the risk of heart diseases. During some of the clinical studies it was found that people consuming trans fats instead of other fats or carbohydrates experienced a significant increase in bad cholesterol levels. Trans fats only increase bad LDL cholesterol levels.

2. Diabetes.

Till now relationship or link between trans fats and diabetes risk is not completely clear. During a human study on 80,000 participants, it was noted that those who consume more trans fats had a 40% higher risk of diabetes.

But there are handful of studies that found no relationship between trans fat and diabetes. Seems like examination of trans fats and diabetes risk factors such as insulin resistance and blood sugar levels show inconsistent results.

3. Inflammation.

Chronic or excess inflammation is one of the most common cause of many chronic diseases such as heart disease, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes.

Some of these scientific studies indicate that trans fats increase inflammatory makers when replaced with other nutrients in diet. Most of the observational studies link trans fats to increased inflammatory makers, especially in people with excess body fat.

4. Cancer.

During some of the studies, markers of endothelial dysfunction also increased under a transferred heavy diet. But still there are very few studies that examine link between trans fats and cancer.

Some of the researchers revealed that intake of trans fats before menopause can associated with increased risk of breast cancer.

• Bottom line.

Trans fats is one of the most prominent ingredient in Western diets and are hazardous to your health. However, ruminant trans fats from animal products is considered to be safe in moderate amounts. But artificial or industrial are strongly associated with health problems.

So just try to include monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in your diet in place of trans fats. The most common way to intake trans fats is junk and packed high calorie food.


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