Know the difference between Sprains and Strains, know the identification tips.

Several people across the world are tired of defining sprains and strains, but cannot quite identify the difference between the two. Basically, both of them are used interchangeably to describe overstretching and tearing of soft tissues around or joint.

But both of them have several differences that should be kept in mind. So go through the below mentioned in formation that will help you to distinguish between sprains and strains.

• Symptoms of Sprains.

Basically a joint sprain is the overstretching or tearing of ligaments. These are bands of tissues that connect two bones together at a joint. Ankle joint is the most prominent location of a sprain.

Common symptoms of sprains include.

1. Pain around affected joint.

2. Swelling

3. Bruising.

4. Little or no flexibility.

5. Difficulty in using the joints full range of motion.

• Symptoms of Strains.

Most of the times are joint strain is the overstretching or tearing of muscle or tendons. Tendons are the dense fibrous chords of tissues. That helps in connecting bones to muscles. Most of the times the common location for a muscle strain is lower back and hamstrings.

Common symptoms of muscle strains.

1. Limited flexibility.

2. Muscle spasm.

3. Difficulty in using joint’s full range of motion.

4. Swelling.

5. Being around affected area.

• Treatment for strains and sprains.

The RICE Treatment is most common used medication treatment for any of the muscle injury. This stands for Rest Ice Compression Elevation.

During rest period, keep the affected joint out of use till it heals. This will provide joint or affected area to get well.

Ice helps in reducing swelling and inflammation. But keep in mind, never apply ice directly to your skin. Instead wrap it in a thin towel or ice bag.

Compression also helps in reducing swelling. Just wrap the affected joint in a bandage or a trainer’s tape. Several compression bandages are also available for purpose.

Just keep your injured area elevated. This will help in reducing swelling.

• Tips you can follow to prevent yourself from sprains and strains.

1. Just have proper stretching and warm up before playing any sports or having a workout session. This gives time to your joints to prepare for physical activity.

2. Performing exercise regularly will help your muscles to be functioning. This helps in keeping muscles limber and flexible so that they recover and strengthen any time.

3. Be careful on less friction. Areas such as when it’s raining, icy, or snowing outside. Wear shoes with good treads and don’t rush on your steps.

4. Just sitting or standing for too long or doing repetitive motions can put a strain on lower back. Have some breaks to relax on your muscles.

5. Always invest in good equipments when it comes out regarding exercise and sports. Poorly made, ill fitted or worn out equipments will not provide you any support you need.


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