Electrolyte water, know it’s benefits and home recipe for it !

The normal drinking water whether it is bottled or tap water, Most of the times it contains trace amounts of electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. Moreover, the concentration of electrolyte in beverages may vary greatly. Some of the commercially available brands add significant amount of minerals along with carbohydrates, an market their water as sport drinks.

Originally, electrolytes are minerals that conduct electricity when dissolved in water. They get distributed through the fluid in your body and use their electrical energy to facilitate important body functions.

Electrolyte waters are enhanced with several charge minerals, but their concentration may differ. Only distilled water has no electrolyte present in it.

Now know the scientifically proven health benefits of electrolyte water.

• May optimise exercise performance.

Electrolyte enhanced water, particularly sports drinks, benefit athletes by helping replenishing water, electrolytes, and energy loss during exercise.

During any type of physical activity, human body needs additional fluids to replace the water lost in sweat. In fact, the last water has some amount of your body weight too. Sweat also contains amounts of electrolytes, including significant amounts of sodium. Thus, it is important to balance the loss with intake.

• Have rehydrating effects during illness.

During short term vomiting and diarrhoea, electrolyte water can be highly beneficial. They are not usually so serious conditions. But severe or persistent symptoms can quickly lead to dehydration.

In most of the cases, infants and children are especially vulnerable to dehydration from vomiting and diarrhoea. There are several oral rehydration solutions available that contain water, carbohydrates, and electrolytes. Sports drinks may also work, but they are not recommended for infants and young children.

• May prevent against heat stroke.

Hot environments put human body at a risk of variety of heat related illnesses. Normally human body manage is heat by releasing it through your skin by sweating. But in extreme hot environment, this cooling system also begins to fail.

The prominent way to prevent heat related illness is to limit your time in the heat. Moreover, having plenty of fluids and electrolytes is also extremely important to help your body stay cool.

Just follow this recipe and make electrolyte water at your home.

Electrolyte water is considered as the cost of active and healthy way to replace body fluids and electrolytes when needed.

So go through the below mentioned recipe to make electrolyte drink at home.

Add below mentioned all the ingredients in one cup or 237 ml serving

1. ¼ tablespoon of salt.

2. 60 ml of lemon juice.

3. 60 ml of lime juice.

4. 360 ml of coconut water.

5. Required amount of cold water.

Most of these store brought versions of electrolyte water are just full of additives and adulterants. Unlike those, this recipe will provide a refreshing boost of electrolytes without added sugar on any artificial colour or flavour.


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