“Apple seeds are poisonous.” Just have a fact check !
Apples are the most popular and healthy fruits that are consumed as a big part around the world. They are easy to cultivate and tailor to certain tastes because of their genetic diversity. Moreover, apples also have antioxidant properties that help in protecting against cancer inducing oxidative damage.
But most of the times when you bite deep into an Apple, you are confronted with something not so sweet in its core. The tiny black seeds, contain amygdalin. It is basically a substance that releases cyanide when it comes in contact with home and digestive system. Seems like it is the reason why it is always said “Apple seeds are poisonous”.
• Let’s check why apple seeds are poisonous.
As mentioned earlier, the amygdalin substance turns into cyanide when comes in contact with human digestive system. So cyanide is a chemical that is known as one of the deadliest poison.
This chemical compound has been used in chemical warfare and mass suicide killings. Like several other compounds that contain cyanide, found in nature one of them is amygdalin.
But the thing is, apple seeds an seeds of many other fruits have a strong outer layer resistance to digestive juices. But if one chews the seeds before swallowing, amygdalin will surely released in the body.
Although small amounts of it can be detoxified by the enzymes in your body. But still large amounts can be dangerous.
• Know the amount of cyanide that can be fatal.
According to scientists and several other health authorities, 1 – 2 mg/kg of human weight is a fatal oral dose of cyanide.
It’s an estimation that most of the Apple cores contain around 5 seeds. But the amount may vary according to the health of the plant. One will have to finally chew around 200 apple seeds or 40 apples in order to take fatal dose of cyanide in form of amygdalin.
Moreover, health authorities also advised that even exposure to small amounts of cyanide can be dangerous.
This chemical compound can harm heart and brain resulting to coma or even death. So it’s advisable and must recommended that people should avoid eating the seeds of apple.
• But still apple seed oils are available in market ?
Basically, Apple seed oil is a by-product of juice processing. Most of the times the amount of amygdalin present in oils is negligible or very tiny.
This is the reason why apple seed oils are not for intake. People just use them for their fragrance, hair conditioning and treating skin inflammation. Because of its poisoning affects apple seed oil can also be used against bacteria and viruses.
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