5 most easy and suitable ways to increase protein in your diet.

Protein is a macronutrient with fat and carbohydrate. And getting enough amount of protein is very crucial for overall development of body and health. This is the main reason behind recommended daily intake of protein is 50 grams per day.

But people who are fitness enthusiasits, exercise regularly or athlete should take more amount of protein. High protein intake may help in weight loss, fat loss, increasing muscle mass, and improve overall health.

So here we are mentioning 5 easy and suitable ways to increase protein intake.

• Use cheese as snack.

Having a protein rich snack is a very good way to get extra protein in your diet. But the thing is, it will remain constant as long as you choose the right type. Usually snack foods are quite low in protein and high in calories such as chips, crackers, pastries.

In place of these types of junk snack foods just have a same amount of cheese containing 7 grams of protein, along with twenty few calories and 4× calcium content.

• Replace cereals with eggs.

During several studies, it was found that many popular breakfast foods people consume are low in protein. Toast, bagels, cereals are some of them. But oatmeal contains more protein than most of the cereals, one cup surging may offer 6 grams of protein.

Having eggs in any form during breakfast will increase protein intake. Three large eggs can provide up to 19 grams of high quality protein. Along with other nutrients like selenium and healthy fats.

• Have a protein shake or smoothie for breakfast.

It’s a quite popular habit of taking shake or smoothie during breakfast. But the nutrition content of smoothie depends upon its ingredients. Most of these contain a lot of fruits, vegetables or juices, but quite low protein.

Whey protein or other protein powders make it easy to create a high protein shake. Whey protein powder is being thoroughly studied me have an edge over other commercially available protein powders. One scoop serving of whey protein will provide at least 20 grams of protein.

• Use peanut butter instead of your regular butter.

Fruits are rich in antioxidants, nutrients and fibre, but quite low in protein. Peanut butter, on the other hand, is a delicious high protein food with creamy texture. Using this as a topping with fruits such as Apple and pear. Even peanut butter can be spread over bread and enjoyed.

2 tablespoons of peanut butter on a sliced fruit or bread will boost the total protein content by 10 grams. But some of the scientific studies reveal that peanut butter may decrease appetite too.

• Add edamame or soy.

Basically edamame is the term for this steamed soybeans in their unripen form. Soy or soy beans are the most popular varieties that will provide high quality vegan protein.

1 Cup of edamame has 17 grams of protein with about 180 total calories. Addition to this edamame is high in antioxidants. They will serve as a great snack or meal if one is looking for increasing protein intake.


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