5 latest nutrition trends that are expecting in 2021.
Although year 2020 brought hardships and change for many people around the globe. Our everyday habits and behaviours have gone through a dramatic shift. Priorities of people changed as well with many people mainly focusing on their health and well being. But as the new year 2021 is around the corner, we are expecting some of the nutrition trends coming up with new year.
So here we are, revealing five top food and nutrition trends that are expected in 2021.
• Growing interest in immunity boosters.
In today’s modern world, foods are not just valued for staving off hunger pains. COVID-19 is a reminder that Health is a transient and can change anytime. This is the main reason that led people to look for products that could support a healthy immune system.
According to some of the market researches and analysis, over 50% of the consumers reported taking more supplements to support their immune system in 2020.
This growing trend in immune health will continue to be top focus of health and wellness industry in 2021.
• Focusing on meal kits.
The long and persistent lockdown in year 2020 taught many of us that cooking at home can be a fun and enjoyable experience. As the life has started to speed up again, we will see a growing trend towards pre made meal kits and health foods.
This year, meal kit delivery services have grown exponentially. Just because of their healthfulness convenience and affordability. According to census reports, meal kit delivery market is projected to become 20 billion US dollar industry by 2027.
• Giving importance to transparency.
This yearlong pandemic has resulted in encouraging people to go through the nutritional label of the product. Most of the people are tried of misleading, false or obscured information. Since previous times food and supplement industries have been quite private regarding their ingredients and practices.
But now as consumers are more interested in nutritional quality of food products they consume. Surely there will be a growing expectations that company should be clear, transparent and honest about their products.
• Flexitarianism.
Just trying to convince a meat eating person to go vegan is a big deal. But meeting them somewhere in the middle of both is quite easy. Rather than trying to convince only votes to keep aside meat and animal products entirely. There will be more focus in pushing them to reduce the intake of animal products.
This time consumers may look to swap a few meat based meals for plant based ones. As last years have seen a popular trend of shifting to vegan diets.
• Growing popularity of localism.
Long term pandemic Shutdown’s gave many people a renewed appreciation of their local community. Especially to local organic farmer markets, grocery stores and restaurants. As Pandemic continues to persist and affect a large amount of population in 2020. This will surely witness effects in 2021 too.
So moving forward there will be a growing interest in purchasing and consuming local, organically grown food.
This will surely help in supporting local economy and consumption of fresh foods and vegetables.
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