5 impressive benefits that will make you drink potato juice.
Although potato juice seems to lack glamour of popular juicing stables. But it’s filled with key vitamins, phyto chemicals and nutrients. It is claimed that potato juice can retain about half of the nutrients that our traditional serving of potato offers. Moreover, potatoes are highly alkaline that will surely help to reduce acid reflux and ease other stomach issues.
So here we are bringing 5 most impressive health benefits of potato juice. Just go through them and choose most appropriate and suitable reason for yourself.
• Contains antioxidant compounds.
As mentioned earlier, potato contains good amounts of phyto chemicals. These phytochemical and antioxidants play very prominent roles in preventing from diseases inflammation and oxidative stress.
The coloured flesh of raw potatoes contain a variety of antioxidants. Most of these antioxidants are from carotenoid family. Antioxidants and phytochemical compounds present include Lutein, zeaxanthin and violaxanthin. These will surely prevent oxidative stress. That is one of the major cause of several health issues and chronic diseases.
• Potato juice may fulfil your zinc requirement.
Zinc is quite crucial mineral that is required by human body and immune system. Zinc with vitamin K has potential to speed up wound healing process.
About 1 Cup serving of potato juice or raw potatoes can give you approximately 1mg of zinc. This is about 9% of the recommended daily serving of zinc for men and 11% for women.
Moreover, zinc is very essential for male sexual health too. It is responsible healthy sperm production and morality.
• Potato juice contains iron.
Iron is very important for fighting fatigue and supporting healthy blood flow inside body. It plays a crucial role of keeping red blood cells healthy and help in transportation of oxygen throughout the body.
One cup serving of potato juice or raw potatoes can serve around 14% of daily recommended serving of iron. Haemoglobin is another compound present in blood that is responsible for healthy oxygen levels. This compound is a form of iron only present in body and cells.
• Potato juices have good amounts of potassium.
It is a scientifically proven fact that potatoes have very high amount of quotation present in them. It can go around 3 times more than a medium sized orange. A single cup serving of potato juice or raw potato can give you 31% of recommended daily intake of potassium.
Basically, potassium is an electrolyte that is quite essential for regulating body fluids and supporting muscle functioning. Addition to these, electrolytes serve a purpose of filter for human kidneys.
• Have good reserves of B vitamins.
It’s an estimation that single cup serving of raw potatoes or potato juice can contain about 40% of daily thiamine and niacin requirement. Both of them generally are called vitamin B1 and vitamin B3. In addition to these both, it also contains a small about of riboflavin i.e. vitamin B2.
These vitamins from family of B vitamins are vital for helping the body to convert carbohydrates into glucose. Subsequently, this produced glucose generates energy for physical activity. Moreover, vitamins also support brain and nervous system functioning, promote healthy hair and skin.
Although there are several varieties of potato juice commercially available in market. But always keep an eye on the nutrient label of the product. Generally they contain processed sugar and artificial flavours, This makes the product high in calorie and quite unhealthy. It’s recommended that one should try to make any type of juices at home to gain most benefits out of it without any adulteration.
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