5 evidence based health benefits. Almonds have !


Almonds are the world’s most popular tree nuts that are used all around the globe. Almonds are highly nutritious and rich in healthy fats, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. So here we are coming up with five evidence based benefits almonds have on health.

• Almonds are a storehouse of nutrients 

Almonds are basically the edible seeds of Prunus dulcis , mostly called as almond tree. Though almonds are a native of Middle East but currently United States is the world’s largest producer. Mostly the almonds which are available in nearby stores are shell removed, just revealing the edible nuts. Meanwhile almond milk, oil, butter, floor or paste are also available. Almonds are a storehouse of various nutrients that include fibre, protein, fats, vitamin E, manganese, magnesium. Though almonds should be avoided by people who are on weight loss program. Because it contains high calories if taken in a handful of amount.

• Almonds are a good source of antioxidants 

Antioxidants helps to protect against oxidative stress that can damage cell molecules and contribute to inflammation. The brown layer of the skin on almond seeds has powerful antioxidant content. This is the only reason why experts and nutritionists do not considered skin removed almonds healthier. During a human trial, on 60 male smokers it was found that giving them 84 grams of almonds every day reduce oxidative stress by 24%.

• Almonds are a good source of vitamin E

Vitamin E basically is a fat soluble antioxidant that is highly required by human body. This vitamin or antioxidant helps in building up cell membranes of the body. Thus protecting the cells from oxidative damage. Almonds are considered as the world’s best source of vitamin E. Several studies and researches revealed that higher intake of vitamin E lower the rates of heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

• Magnesium content in almonds benefits in lowering down blood pressure levels

Almonds contain a good amount of magnesium that additionally helps in lowering down blood pressure levels. High blood pressure is one of the leading reasons for heart attacks, strokes and kidney failures. High blood pressures are strongly linked with deficiency of magnesium in the body. You can include magnesium in your daily diet by just adding almonds to it.

• Eating almonds can reduce your overall calorie intake 

Almonds act as a source that are low in carbohydrates and high in protein and fibre. Both protein and fibres are known for their properties of increasing feeling of fullness. Thus subsequently one will take less amount of calories till the end of the day. During a four week human trial, on 137 participants revealed that a daily 43 grams serving of almonds significantly reduces hunger and desire to eat.

So above mentioned facts will be sufficient to guess the nutritional importance of almonds. You can use almonds as a healthy snacks during carvings too.


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